University of Calabria
University of Calabria
Address bookAddress book
Italian English
Quality standards
Equal opportunities

Equal opportunities

The Department promotes Equal Opportunities, aimed at guaranteeing each individual equal conditions for participation in academic life and career growth.

The DIMEG, in line with the UNIVERSITY strategy, is attentive to the need to fully exploit all its human resources and all the wealth of knowledge that they are able to place at the service of the Department itself and the University, without any discrimination and with the promotion of the culture and values ​​of equality. It also undertakes to operate against any form of direct or indirect discrimination based on gender, age, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, disability, and language, and which takes place in any area, including access to treatment and working conditions, training, career progression, and safety.

What to do for:

Discriminatory behavior, especially with regard to sexual or moral harassment

You can contact the trusted advisor of the University of Calabria (Lawyer Stella Ciarletta:

The Trusted Counselor is a figure who has the task of guaranteeing all those who study and work within the University the right to protection from any act or type of discriminatory behavior, especially as regards sexual harassment or morals. It is a person external to the University who has the task of providing advice and assistance, also for the purpose of complete protection, including legal, to those who report being victims of sexual or moral harassment guaranteeing anonymity, confidentiality, and impartiality with respect to the University.

The Councilor can activate an informal procedure aimed at identifying the best possible solution for the removal of discriminatory and harassing behavior, including the possibility of requesting the University to intervene to start the disciplinary procedure. In the exercise of your duties, you can access the records and documents of the administration, listen to people informed of the facts, and can make use of internal or external consultants (such as lawyers, psychologists, and social workers).


Information, suggestions, reports, and proposals relating to Equal Opportunities/Differences

EachDepartment has a Delegate for Equal Opportunities. The Department Delegate is Prof. Anna Pinnarelli (mail:

It is also possible to contact the Rector's Delegate for Equal Opportunities (Giovanna Vingelli; mail:


Reports of discriminatory behavior and violence

The University has established, in implementation of the provisions of art. 21 of Law no. 183/2010, the CUG - Single Guarantee Committee for equal opportunities against discrimination and for the enhancement of the well-being of those who work and study.

Supervise the absence of any form of moral or psychological violence in the workplace and study and of direct and indirect discrimination, relating to gender, age, sexual orientation, race, ethnic origin, disability ?, religion and language is one of its main objectives (for contacts:


Research, training, and awareness activities

The University has the Interdepartmental Center for Women's Studies "Milly Villa". The Centre's objectives are the extension and strengthening of gender studies in Italian university structures, the construction of a European dimension of exchange and research, the rooting in the local situation at the didactic and educational level (for contacts: centrows.unical@