University of Calabria
University of Calabria
Address bookAddress book
Italian English

Enroll, study and graduate

Information, contacts, and forms for all activities in the study program at DIMEG.
icona amissioni

Admissions and registrations

Enrollment in the first year and subsequent years, enrollment in single courses and by the abbreviation

Borse di studio


Scholarships and other financial contributions, accommodation, canteens, support for students with disabilities and specific learning disabilities

icona frequentare i corsi

How to attend courses

Information, contacts, and forms to manage study activities and attend courses.

icona trasferimenti

Course transfers and transitions

Procedures, schedules and fees for course changing and transfer.

icona riprendere gli studi

Quit and resume your studies

Modalità, tempi e costi per sospendere, rinunciare, ricongiungere la propria carriera universitaria e per ottenere il riconoscimento di una precedente carriera decaduta.

icona tasse ed esoneri

Taxes and exemptions

Importi, esoneri e scadenze per gli studenti che si iscrivono a un corso di studio.

icona pergamene

Certificates and parchments

Procedures to apply for certificates and degree certificates.

icona sport dual

Dual Career student-athlete

Sports and education champions, at UniCal you can.

icona carriera alias

Career Aliases

In order to promote the well-being of transgender students, the University of Calabria has established the Alias Career.

Icona modulistica

Forms for students

Forms are to be filled in online and models are to be customized for students of Bachelor's and Master's degree programs.


Delegato alla Didattica - DIMEG
Prof. Maurizio MUZZUPAPPA
Cubo 46C - piano 3
Segreteria Studenti - DIMEG
Ponte P. Bucci, 42C, 7 Piano
Apertura Ufficio: da Lunedì a Venerdì dalle 11.00 alle 12.00
Dott. Pasquale Stocco